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To make the LifeWatch datacloud more accessible to a broad range of users in the maritime industry, several tutorials are enlisted below.

Tutorials are provided for the different data products, data portals, the use of the analysis platform and more.

Product Gallery

The Product Gallery offers a range of products that could be of interest to the maritime industry, using different sources such as WoRMS, EMODnet, LifeWatch... For most products, a source code in R is included, allowing reproduction by the user. Labels shown on the page specify the source, type of products and the geographical range of the data product in question. The number shown within the labels represents the number of items available in this category.


Explore Data

This page directs you to the different data explorers on the LifeWatch VSC server. Besides exploring LifeWatch data such as the monthly station data or zoo- and phytoplankton data, hydrometeo data can also be accessed upon registration. There's also a possibility to combine your own datasets with existing datasets on the LifeWatch VSC server. An (provisional) extensive manual on the different explorers can be found here.

Analysis Platform

A manual on how to install the LifeWatch Data Package in R Studio will be provided here.


Dataset Catalogue

Through the data catalogue, various datasets, products or metadata can be requested and downloaded. When searching for datasets related to currents in Belgium an advanced search can be carried out where different parameters can be specified.

Software Catalogue

The software catalogue offers various scripts in R, Java, Python related to handling marine data. Many repositories can be found on the GitHub page of LifeWatch.