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Occurrence-derived thermal affinities

Ocean warming has a direct effect on the distribution of marine species and their responses to a rising ocean temperature are taxa specific. In order to know if a certain species is likely to occur in the future in an area of interest in the future, thermal affinities can be calculated based on their known occurrence. Here, an R script is provided to calculate thermal affinities for a specific species or a group of species, even if there are no systematic surveys present. Note that these calculations may be heavy, therefore the use of a high performance computer is recommended.

This data product is based on the paper: "Occupancy-derived thermal affinities reflect known physiological thermal limits of marine species" by Webb et al. (2020), which can be accessed here.

The R script created by Webb et al. (2020) guides the user through the calculations necessary to retrieve thermal affinities for their species of interest. Species' thermal affinities are calculated by downloading occurrence data from the IOBIS data platform and the temperature layers from the BIO-ORACLE website. The script can be accessed on GitHub. Core functions are provided within the script allowing species-specific thermal affinity calculations.

R script on GitHub



Occurrence data is retrieved from the OBIS data portal using the robis package.



OBIS Data Portal

robis package



     Temperature layers are accessed through the Bio-Oracle portal using the sdmpredictor package.


  Bio - Oracle website

  sdmpredictor package